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My in-depth interviews with some of the world’s best.

For the past two years, I’ve been on a journey interviewing some of the world’s most successful people (and my heroes) on the deepest ideologies, internal operating systems, and rules of reality behind their success - at a depth they haven’t shared anywhere else.

My hypothesis is that the world’s most success/extraordinary people perceive and engage with reality differently.

The vision for the book is to write a more modern-day and actionable Think And Grow Rich. The tentative title was The Unseen Forces, so that’s why you’ll hear that phrase at parts during the interviews.

I have decided to pause the book for the time being, and instead have decided to post the interviews on here publicly, along with my drafts of the chapters as show notes/optional journaling prompts.

If you like the videos, please like + comment on YouTube directly to help them gain traction!

Right before embarking on this book journey, I recorded a similar series of interviews with successful people in the startup world, but decided not to edit and release those. I might edit them one day; click here to see those.


What’s next for me

I’m looking for my next job where I can use my skills and do my best work, whether at a tech company, startup, consulting firm, or media company.

Example roles I would be a fit for: forward-facing roles such as business development/partnerships/sales/community, host/facilitator (for any productions or content), evangelist/ambassador, special projects, entrepreneur-in-residence, or Chief of Staff.