Do you or your clients need a host/guest host/interviewer/moderator for a show or podcast?

My dream: To become the world’s greatest interviewer and to host the world’s most compelling talk show. I want to talk to remarkable people and show them in a light that nobody has seen them, while extracting entirely unique + insightful wisdom for the audience.

I know that I would be an excellent solo host, but I would also be a super versatile guest host or co-host that you can drop into any existing show or environment and just run with it (even if it’s a one-off). I definitely have on-the-fly charisma.

(Click the title at the top to view in full-screen and access the transcript. Not recorded with my pro mic + studio setup because this was initially a video)

Current projects:

  • I was writing a book where I’m interviewing some of the world's most successful people on their deepest existential beliefs/how they view reality (Think and Grow Rich meets Tools of Titans). I interviewed Rob Dyrdek, David Meltzer, and Suzy Batiz, had a conversation with one of the world’s top publishers, and spoke to numerous super-successful authors/entrepreneurs/thought leaders in the book space along the way.

  • I launched The Jared Gold Show in late January 2023, with the goal of creating the most compelling/interesting talk show on YouTube, starting with super-deep conversations with strangers.

  • I have experimented with my own podcast (by the same name) - e.g. where in episodes #6-#10, I play "armchair therapist" for anonymous listeners.

My areas of expertise:

  • My favorite topic is the one I’m writing my book on: the intersection of spirituality (not necessarily religion) and real-world success (is life a game of sorts and are there just a few actual laws of the universe?)

  • Self-actualization/self-love and some esoteric tools to help

  • All things Millennials (I’m 33)

  • Authentic connection, intimacy, and community

  • Entrepreneurship/startups/business

Situations where I could be an excellent fit:

  • In addition to moderating, facilitating, or interviewing in my areas of expertise, specific show examples could be something like:

    • I’m open to having a show like the one I previously soft-launched as a test, Asking Millennials (interviewing people in their 20s/30s on topics like money, career/purpose/goals, dating, and spirituality), but doing it on someone else’s network/platform.

    • Interviewing successful and interesting entrepreneurs/YouTubers/creators etc. on their deepest philosophies or even spiritual beliefs that are their underlying foundations for success (not another How I Built This). And I’m not looking to push any religious agendas or anything; more Think & Grow Rich-esque.

    • Interviewing men of all types in a super vulnerable way

    • A show on modern dating

  • Internal company podcasts where clients need help curating fascinating stories and/or shining a spotlight on team members in a deeper way that doesn’t feel corporate/surface-level (and would probably be easier if they’re being interviewed by an impartial outsider rather than a colleague).

  • Live moderating or facilitating of panels / live interviewing.

  • Any challenging conversational situation, such as a conversation with people that have opposing or contrarian viewpoints.

Additional work samples:

In the Fall of 2021, I recorded six episodes to test out a podcast concept where I interview very successful startup founders on how they utilize their spirituality for building their companies. This podcast ended up being the catalyst for me to decide to instead write my book.

Work samples (unedited beta episodes) - these were my two favorite interviews, which happened to be focused on their particular faiths:

Other examples of my success as an overall thought leader/voice:

  • I blogged as a teenage poker player and accumulated >1m total views over a two-year period

  • I’ve been a guest contributor on both business podcasts and blogs around sales, process, etc. for my previous business, WebsiteByTonight.

  • I previously built a potluck dinner community in DC that had over 750 members and generated organic PR (e.g. here and here).

Possible Questions/Concerns

  • I acknowledge that I’m not a “safe” option, but when it comes to interviewing or conversational abilities (in my areas of expertise), I put my skills up against anyone else on the planet. This is what I’m meant to do. I’m happy to do whatever it takes to de-risk myself to you or your clients.

  • For the right opportunity - absolutely! I know that I would do great work and have a blast regardless.

  • Where to begin?!

    From reading 300-400 books and consuming countless podcasts over the past ten or so years, to different retreats, to trying different careers and launching multiple different entrepreneurial endeavors…my whole life has felt like trial-and-error.

    But I wouldn’t take back anything, because through all of these wild experiences, I’ve gained my skills and insights — and now I’m finally ready to share those with the world.

    Conversation and writing has always came naturally to me, but only recently have I gained that awareness, and allowed myself to own it and go all-in on it.

Interested to simply start a conversation and explore this together?